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About Us

Ostomy Canada Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to all people living with an ostomy, and their circles of support, helping them live life to the fullest through advocacy, awareness, collaboration and support.


We are proud of our relationship and partnership with NSWOCC and the shared values we embrace. We are proud to support the Annual Conference and work alongside so many dedicated professionals.


We wish all Conference participants nothing but success this yera and beyond.


Ann Durkee-MacIsaac, Chair of the Board

John Hartman, Executive Director

Documents & Resources


Disability Tax Credit Brochure - EN/FR

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) brochure is a helpful resource for those seeking their non-refundable tax credit for annal tax reduction. Eligiblity, application/form completion and FAQs are contained in this piece.


Here to Help You and Your Ostomy Brochure - EN/FR

A quick and useful guide to a number of critical offerings of support from Ostomy Canada Society.


Ostomy Visitor Program Brochure - EN

A wonderful support tool outlining how our trained and certified visitors can support those who have recently undergone or are considering surgery. Many NSWOCs pass this information along as part of their commitment to ongoing community care.


Ostomy Canada Youth Camp Brochure - EN

Kids want to be kids. Our one week Ostomy Youth Camp is medically supported (NSWOCs) and volunteer driven where kids (9-18) partcipate in a ton of camp activities in a safe and fun environment.


WOC-EP Awards Pamphlet/Application (2022) - EN/FR

Ostomy Canada Society provides annual financial awards for recent WOC-EP graduates and undergrad students. Learr how you can apply and qualify for our support.

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Team Members

The team members with a badge icon are attending the conference.

Search for them in the chat tool!

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NSWOCC National Office

66 Leopolds Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K1V 7E3

Toll Free: 1-888-739-5072


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NSWOCC National Office operates on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation.

Thank you to our 2025 Honoured Corporate Partners!

©2024 by Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada

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