Welcome to the Coloplast Canada exhibit booth, Honoured Corporate Partner, at the 41st NSWOCC National Conference.
Coloplast’s mission is to make life easier for people with intimate healthcare needs. Our vision is to set the global standard for listening and responding.
The Coloplast story begins back in 1954. Elise Sørensen is a nurse. Her sister Thora has just had an ostomy operation and is afraid to go out in public, fearing that her stoma might leak. Listening to her sister’s problems, Elise conceives the idea of the world’s first adhesive ostomy bag. Based on Elise’s idea, Aage Louis-Hansen, a civil engineer and plastics manufacturer, and his wife Johanne Louis-Hansen, a trained nurse, created the ostomy bag. An ostomy bag that helps Thora – and thousands of people like her – to live the life they want to lead.
A simple solution that makes a difference.
Coloplast is truly a global company – with products sold in over 140 countries and over 14,000 employees. Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their needs. We call this intimate healthcare. Our business includes Ostomy Care, Continence Care, Wound & Skin Care and Interventional Urology. Coloplast is committed to being part of the solution – together with the users and their healthcare professionals.
Documents & Resources
Biatain Fiber® Product Sheet
Biatain® Fiber with HexaLock Technology was developed to help you control exudate in challenging wounds. The unique HexaLock Technology integrates the gelling fibers in a reinforced hexagon net, giving Biatain Fiber strength to lock in exudate to reduce exudate pooling for optimal healing conditions. The dressing has high conformability that ensures close contact to the wound bed and reduces the risk of exudate pooling.
Speedicath ® Triple Action Technology Flip Book
Not all hydrophilic catheters are made the same. Triple Action Coating Technology (TACT) enables Coloplast’s SpeediCath® catheters to stay smooth, stay bonded and stay hydrated for the protection of the mucosal lining of the urethra. This booklet takes you through the importance of maintaining mucosal health and will show you the difference our patented TACT can make to protecting the urethra from risk of damage, complications and UTIs. This technology can be found amongst all our SpeediCath® catheters, shown within this booklet. We encourage you to reach out with any questions.
Coloplast Professional - Go for Gold: Shaping the future of bladder management in indigenous communities - Webinar
Coloplast will be hosting a webinar on June 14th on shaping the future of bladder management in indigenous communities. Recognizing intermittent catheterization as the gold standard while also providing resources and support to the indigenous communities.
Product Education: Sensura® Mio Concave
SenSura® Mio Concave is specially designed for people with outward peristomal body profiles. The curved star-shaped baseplate fits snugly over bulges, hernias and curves. The petals of the star-shape hug the body without creasing or folding. The elastic adhesive and fit zones ensure that the product follows the body movements and the stability ring inside the pouch ensures stability right around the stoma.
In addition to SenSura® Mio Concave, the document also speaks about the incidence of parastomal bulging within 400 days after surgery, based on a study in Denmark conducted among 5,019 ostomates.
Click the link to learn more.
Product Education: Brava® Protective Ring Convex
The Brava® Protective Ring Convex is designed with dual adhesive technology, with skin friendly adhesive facing the skin and erosion resistant adhesive towards the stoma. It provides a protective seal around the stoma and is designed to protect the skin against leakage and provide convexity to the peristomal area for stomas at or below skin level.
Click on the link to learn more!
Team Members
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