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Workshops nearly full!

Thank you to those registrants who have already signed up for conference workshops on Wednesday, May 3 and Thursday, May 4th. We are excited to have you join us! We are now less than two weeks away from the conference, and we can tell the excitement is in the air! Several workshops have now been completely full, with spots in certain workshops still remaining: Concurrent slot 1: Wednesday, May 3 from 12:30pm-3:30pm

  • Continence (English) now FULL

  • Debridement now FULL

  • Continence (Français) SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE

*For those who are eligible to take the Debridement workshop, there is an option to be added to a waitlist in case spots become available. If any spots become available, you will be contacted via email. Concurrent slot 2: Wednesday, May 3 from 3:30pm-5:30pm


  • Product Selection SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE

Concurrent slot 1: Thursday, May 4 from 1:30pm-3:30pm now FULL

  • Advanced Workshop: Advanced Lower Leg Assessment now FULL

  • Advanced Workshop: Advanced Ostomy now FULL

Concurrent slot 2: Thursday, May 4 from 3:45pm-5:45pm

  • Advanced Workshop: Negative Pressure Wound Therapy now FULL

  • Advanced Workshop: Enterocutaneous Atmospheric Fistula now FULL

  • Advanced Workshop: Traitement des plaies par pression négative (TPPN) SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE

  • Live NSWOCC Journal Club, Let’s Face It! Together! SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE

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